
Zambia 2016 ABF supported Build It in a novel programme tackling both unemployment and education

Build It identifies villages in Zambia where unemployment is high and the village school is in a bad or non-existant state. Local young men and women receive training in building skills from Build It. Once completed, their first practical project is to rebuild the village school.

Once a village has built such a school, the Zambian government are committed to providing a full time resident school teacher for the village thus hugely improving educational standards.

"Build It has a real ‘2-plus-2-makes-5’ concept. This is real synergy story solving two problems - tackling village unemployment and education with one imaginative project.” (Clive Bailey)

Chitukuko village: the original school - a few concrete blocks as chairs, no walls and a totally inadequate roof


Build It teachers delivering building skills


On graduation, trained apprentices start building the new village school
